
来源:echa | 作者:沐睿科技 | 发布时间:2023-05-04 | 179 次浏览 | 分享到:
单独或混合吸入(carc. 2、h351(吸入),且空气动力学直径≤10 μm的二氧化钛颗粒含量大于或等于1%时,应划为致癌物质。

new guide available on classifying and labelling titanium dioxide


the guide helps companies and national authorities understand how mixtures containing titanium dioxide (tio2) need to be classified and labelled following its classification as carcinogenic if inhaled.

helsinki, 20 september 2021 – the classification and labelling requirements for titanium dioxide (tio2) changed in february 2020. as of 1 october 2021, following delegated regulation (eu) 2020/2017, new classification and labelling requirements enter into force.

the substance tio2 must be classified as carcinogen if inhaled (carc. 2, h351 (inhalation) when supplied on its own or in mixtures, where the substance or mixture contains 1 % or more of tio2 particles with an aerodynamic diameter ≤10 μm. in addition, mixtures containing tio2 must be labelled with the supplemental label element ‘hazardous respirable dust may be formed when used. do not breathe dust’ (euh212).

non-classified solid mixtures must also be labelled with the euh212 supplemental labelling element if they contain at least 1 % of tio2, regardless of their form, or particle size.

liquid mixtures containing tio2 do not require carc. 2 classification. however, if they contain at least 1 % of tio2 particles with an aerodynamic diameter ≤10 μm, then they need to be labelled with the supplemental label element ‘hazardous respirable droplets may be formed when sprayed. do not breathe spray or mist’ (euh211).

this guide was developed in cooperation with the german competent authority (baua), the european commission and the network of national helpdesks (helpnet), prompted by the high number of helpdesk questions coming from both industry and authorities.


echa / nr / 21/24


赫尔辛基,2021年9月20日—2020年2月,二氧化钛(tio2)的分类和标签要求发生了变化。自2021年10月1日起,根据授权法规(eu) 2020/2017,新的分类和标签要求开始生效。

单独或混合吸入(carc. 2、h351(吸入),且空气动力学直径≤10 μm的二氧化钛颗粒含量大于或等于1%时,应划为致癌物质。此外,含有tio2的混合物必须加上补充标签元素“使用时可能形成有害的呼吸性粉尘”。不要吸入灰尘”(euh212)。


含tio2的液体混合物不需要carc. 2分类。然而,如果它们含有至少1%的空气动力学直径≤10 μm的二氧化钛颗粒,则需要在其上附加标签元素“喷洒时可能形成有害的可吸入雾滴”。不要吸入喷雾或雾”(euh211)。




