广泛应用于电镀和表面处理的三氧化铬 echa / nr / 21/17
欧洲环境保护局已接获超过1 000份来自欧盟使用三氧化二铬电镀和表面处理的工业场所的通知书。此前,欧盟委员会于2020年12月作出两项决定,批准在2024年9月之前使用该化学品。执法部门现在可以根据需要进行检查。
赫尔辛基,2021年6月8日—截至2021年5月,欧洲1026个工厂提交的通知确认,三氧化二铬仍广泛用于功能性或硬铬电镀和表面处理。每年的使用量估计为7000吨。这种备受关注的物质于2013年被列入授权清单,自2017年以来,其使用需要在欧盟获得特定授权。通过向echa通知这些用途,公司确认他们遵守了授予供应商的授权决定中规定的使用条件。作为条件的一部分,他们必须在2021年底前告知欧洲环境保护局他们的工人是如何接触到三氧化铬的。这一信息将帮助公司更好地保护他们的员工,最大限度地减少他们与致癌物质的接触。“这是进一步减少欧洲工人接触三氧化铬的重要一步。这些使用通知将有助于欧洲当局在功能性镀铬和表面处理方面开展联合执法,”echa风险管理总监peter van der zandt说。鉴于通知数量的增加,echa更新了其下游用户通知网页。它现在包含了来自超过3 000份涉及14种物质的通知的可搜索的公共信息。
3、一种重要的铬化合物,铬酐是电镀工业的最主要原料,用作电镀铬的主要原料。大部分铬酐消费在电镀工业中。铬酐是良好的氧化剂,可用于漂白、精制,还可用作染料的原料、媒染剂 、鞣革剂 以及有机合成反应的催化剂。此外,还用于医药、陶瓷,有色玻璃等工业中。
6、在镀锌钝化中的应用 在镀锌层的钝化中大都采用铬酸酐,它是成膜的主要成分。在铝及合金化学氧化中铬酸酐是溶液中的氧化剂,是形成膜层不可缺少的成分。
chromium trioxide widely used in plating and surface treatment
echa has received over 1 000 notifications from industrial sites using chromium trioxide in chrome plating and surface treatment in the eu. this follows two european commission decisions in december 2020 granting authorisation to use the chemical until september 2024. enforcement authorities can now carry out inspections as necessary.
helsinki, 8 june 2021 – notifications from 1 026 sites across europe submitted by may 2021 confirm that chromium trioxide is still widely used in functional or hard chrome plating and surface treatment. the annual usage is estimated to be 7 000 tonnes. the substance of very high concern was placed on the authorisation list in 2013 and its use has needed a specific authorisation in the eu since 2017.
by notifying the uses to echa, companies confirm that they follow the conditions for use set in the authorisation decisions granted to their suppliers. as part of the conditions, they must inform echa by the end of 2021 how their workers are exposed to chromium trioxide. this information will help companies to protect their workers even better by minimising their exposure to the carcinogen.“this is an important step to further reduce exposure of workers to chromium trioxide across europe. these notifications of use will help european authorities carry out joint enforcement on functional chrome plating and surface treatment,” says peter van der zandt, echa’s director of risk management.given the increase in the number of notifications, echa has updated its downstream user notifications web page. it now contains searchable, public information from over 3 000 notifications covering 14 substances.
reach allows companies to apply for an authorisation to continue or start using and placing chemicals included in the authorisation list on the market for a limited time. the authorisation, granted by the european commission, can cover the uses of the applying company but also their customers (downstream users). those companies that use a chemical based on an authorisation granted to an applicant up the supply chain, have to notify their use to echa within three months of the first delivery of the chemical taking place after the authorisation decision.
the european commission granted authorisations for five uses of chromium trioxide in december 2020, including functional chrome plating and surface treatment. the current authorisations expire in september 2024, but authorisation holders can re-apply by submitting a review report to echa by march 2023.
chrome plating and surface treatment are done in industrial settings, exposing workers to the harmful chemical that can cause cancer. these uses add a protective coating to metal parts and products and enhance the strength of the surface as well as wear and corrosion resistance. the treated surface does not contain chromium trioxide.the european parliament took legal action against the commission in march 2021 to annul the decision, saying it is in breach of eu regulation. the legal process is ongoing.